Keynote Speakers
The summer school will be held by internationally renowned speakers from both academia and the business sector. The school lecturers will cover different areas of interest in the field of virtual reality, such as theoretical aspects related to the human factors involved in the design of VR/AR environments and practical aspects of Unity developement.

Prof. Mel Slater
Mel Slater is Distinguished Investigator at the University of Barcelona in the Department of Clinical Psychology, He is co-Director of the Event Lab (Experimental Virtual Environments for Neuroscience and Technology). His background is computer science in the field of computer graphics and virtual reality. He started a VR research group at what is now Queen Mary, University of London in 1990, and joined the Department of Computer Science at UCL in 1996 where he founded the Virtual Environments and Computer Graphics group, and was Professor of Virtual Environments from 1997.
He is also a co-Founder of Virtual Bodyworks S.L.

Prof. Luciano Gamberini
Luciano Gamberini is full professor at the department of psychology of Padua (italy) and Director of the Human Inspired Technology Research Centre at Università degli Studi di Padova.
His main research interests cover many topics such as Human-Computer Interaction, Persuasive Technology, Virtual/Augmented Reality environments, Ergonomics, Industrial Psychology, Customer Psychology, New Communication Environment, Symbiotic System

Dr. Marina Carulli
Marina Carulli is assistant professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Politecnico di Milano. She is a product designer and received a Ph.D. in Virtual Prototypes and Real Products at Politecnico di Milano. Her research interests include design methods, integration of tools for Virtual Prototyping within the product development process, emotional engineering in product design,Development of Virtual Reality Training Scenarios and Multisensory Augmented Reality Experiences. She performed research on design-driven product innovation and design methods at the Design Department of Politecnico di Milano and at the Mechanical Engineering Department of UNSW (Sydney, Australia).

Dott. Lorenzo Montagna
Lorenzo Montagna is one of Italy’s leading experts in media and communications technology. He has been managing director of iconic Internet companies: Yahoo!, Altavista and Via-Michelin. He started working in new media in 1991 at Publitalia-Mediaset. He has written two books on online communication and e-commerce.
He is an established partner of Universities and Observatories related to the study and practical application of digital technologies in marketing, research, communication and sales.
Board Advisor of some digital realities of excellence, trainer and consultant on innovation and communication, he has recently founded the first reality in Europe of dissemination and training on AR and VR for professionals and entrepreneurs.
His motto is: “AR you VReady?”.